Drunvalo Melchizedek

Drunvalo Melchizedek

The author of five books including "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Volumes I & II," "Living in the Heart," "Serpent of Light" and his latest, "The Mayan Ouroboros," Drunvalo Melchizedek is a spiritual connector and world traveler.

Traversing the globe to help people understand their intimate connection to God, Melchizedek is the first person in the modern age to mathematically and geometrically define the human body?s light body, referred to as Mer-Ka-Ba in ancient times.

He is the founder of the Flower of Life Facilitators as well as the School of Remembering.

50 videos found

Final Questions
Flower of Life
As we begin wrapping up the last episodes of the Flower of Life presentation, Drunvalo Melchizedek takes a final series of questions.
Drunvalo's Story
Flower of Life
In this final installment, Drunvalo Melchizedek delves deeper into his past lives and the experiences which shaped him into the teacher he is today.
Flower of Life
We learn who Drunvalo Melchizedek is and how he received the knowledge he passes on in this workshop.
Flower of Life
As our sun circumnavigates the center of the galaxy, civilizations on earth experience periods of falling asleep and awakening. Where are we now and what can we expect in the near future as we enter into a new era?
Binary Sequencing
Flower of Life
There are two mathematical sequences that are vital to all of life on our planet, the Fibonacci sequence (which is female) and the Binary Sequence (which is male). Drunvalo Melchizedek describes the geometric constructs found in our world that are based upon the binary sequence.
Pole Shift Triggers
Flower of Life
Throughout the history of Earth, the magnetic poles have shifted, causing great disruptions for life on our planet. The great changes in our climate may be connected to another shift already in progress.
History of the Earth Part 1
Flower of Life
Atlantis and Lemuria were two of the greatest civilizations, lost to time. But their knowledge and technology was at a level we have yet to reach.
The Earth's History
Flower of Life
From its depiction in ancient temples, we begin to unlock the secret of the flower of life and how it relates to the structure of the universe and the human soul.
Spirit and Sacred Geometry
Flower of Life
We have seen the many ways that geometry shapes our physical world, so it should be no surprise that the subtle realms of the spiritual are also shaped by geometry.
Secret of the Flower of Life
Flower of Life
From its depiction in ancient temples, we begin to unlock the secret of the flower of life and how it relates to the structure of the universe and the human soul.
1972 the Sirian Experiment
Flower of Life
Since ancient times, sacred sites have been be set up all over the world along a grid which needed to be completed by 1972, lest disaster befall our planet. It failed. Drunvalo Melchizedek explains how the Sirias took interest in our plight and offered a solution.
The Emerald Tablets and Thoth's Story
Flower of Life
The Emerald Tablets may be the greatest source of esoteric secrets for all of time, and its author is even more of a mystery. Drunvalo Melchizedek offers his personal experiences of the teachings of Thoth and the Emerald Tablets which have reached different parts of the world.
Egypt's Role in the Evolution of Consciousness
Flower of Life
As inheritors of advanced spiritual knowledge, the priests and pharaohs of ancient Egypt played a pivotal role in the evolution of human consciousness. Traces of this knowledge can still be found in the forbidden ruins.
History of the Earth Part 2
Flower of Life
Remnants of these ancient civilizations can be found in the remains of ancient Egypt. But the mysteries of the living Merkabah has survived the rise and fall of these civilizations.
Flower of Life
Thoth maybe thought of as humanity’s greatest teacher, and Drunvalo’s as well. Find out who Thoth was and why his teachings are so important for us all.
Flower of Life
Spirals are a unique form of geometry found throughout all of the cosmos.
Platonic Solids
Flower of Life
Building from the two dimensional visualization of the flower of life, we explore sacred geometry in three dimensions with the platonic solids.
Earth/Sky/Heart Workshop
Drunvalo Melchizedek
This 5-day workshop was created by Drunvalo Melchizedek to give anyone who has previously activated their Merkaba everything they needed to ascend into higher levels of consciousness.